Hello Everyone!!!
I have some prayer requests for y'all!!
1.) Please pray for us as we visit and minister to a village tomorrow. We are excited for this opportunity
and are praying the Lord speaks through us! We are teaching the young kids a Bible story as well as
the youth the True Love Waits. Please pray their hearts will be open and the hear what God is saying to them!!
2.) On Sunday we are teaching at another Church. We have attended this church several times and love the people there. We are excited at this opportunity. Please, once again, pray for open hearts!!
3.) We leave Monday morning to travel 9 hours to a rainforest. We will be teaching 4 different times there. On Tuesday we will be hiking to a village and teaching and ministering to the people there. We will stay the night in tents (Oh boy!!) and hiking back the next morning. We will then teach to a school with about 50 kids. The next day we will teach two times to a total of 300 kids!! WOW!! We are excited!! We will be traveling back half way on Friday afternoon and the rest on Saturday afternoon. Please pray for safe travels as these roads are not the greatest. :) Also pray for open hearts!!
4.) A personal prayer request is that I stay humble. I want to always be aware that it is God speaking through me and not myself. We teach the same material over and over again and it is easy to think we can do it. When we begin to think we got it..we fail to humble ourselves before God. I want to stay humble.
5.) Another personal prayer request is for me to stay focused on what God has before me. I tend to be a future thinker. I want to stay present here and want to be ALL here. I want my joy to come from Jesus!! I want to recognize His will in my life and live in it!!
6.) One last thing I want to ask you to lift up is a couple new ministries we are beginning. On Wednesdays we will be starting an English club at the University here. We are using English as a way to talk about the Lord. The university prohibits Bible lesson or clubs. So as we are teaching them English we will be using Scripture and Bible stories. We are also starting a Bible study with some Malagasy girls. We had our first meeting Thursday and it went great! We are praying God continues to grow it! We also ask you pray that we would be able to mentor/disciple these girls!!
I seriously would not be where I am if it were not for your prayers and support!!
So thank y'all so much!!
I hope to update again soon!!
Love Loves!!
That made my night!! :) Love you too!!!!!