As I stepped off the plane in Madagascar, I had a great expectation of sharing the Gospel with so many people. I was eager and ready to go. However, I was met with may challenges, and quickly realized it wasn't going to be that easy. The first few days here I was so anxious to begin learning the language so I could communicate with people. As we began our language studies I began to see how difficult it was going to be. You see, apparently it takes longer than two weeks to learn Malagasy. Who would have thought? :) So I began to get comfortable in the fact that I was going to have to be content with sharing the gospel in our presentations. We would share the gospel with easily 100 kids every week...sometime many more!! There was still that nagging in my heart that I could do more.
Most of you probably remember the family I introduced to y'all shortly after I arrived here. I will never forget seeing them for the first time. I was so excited at the fact that there were little kids right outside my gate. We soon found out there were about three families living in that small hut. I had a big desire to share the gospel with them!! As soon as I had the chance I bought her a Malagasy Bible. As the days went by I began to see how difficult that would be. I could in no way communicate with her. I would leave our house and wave and say hello...everyday. All the while, my heart was saying..."She needs to hear about Jesus". I would just tell myself...There is no way I can tell her. And the Bible I bought her just sat on my bedside table.
It wasn't until a friend asked in an email if I had been able to share the gospel with them that I was faced with reality. I wanted so badly to tell her YES!! But I couldn't. The reality was..I had been here almost 3 months and hadn't shared the gospel with her at all. I had only given her kids suckers and played with them...smiled and waved hello and goodbye. I had already thought that before I left I would write her a letter. I would explain to her that I had wanted to talk to her but couldn't. Then it hit me!
I could write her a letter now and have it translated and share the gospel with her!! So that is what I did! I wrote her a letter...told her all the amazing things God has done in my life!! I had my friend translate it and I gave it to her. I also gave her a tract in Malagasy. She held the letter of hope in her hands!!
I prayed as I wrote it...I prayed as I put it in the envelope...I prayed as I handed it to her and walked away. Perhaps for the first time, she will read the words that can give her more hope than anything in this world. She will read the gospel. The powerful, life-changing, heart penetrating gospel!!
So I am asking you to pray with me!! Pray for her and her husband!! Pray for the families that live with them!! Pray that Christ would invade that little hut!! It is my prayer and passion!!
I gave her extra paper an explained that she can write back if she has questions or anything!! So please pray God will work in her life and she will want to know more!!
I am excited and humbled at the work that God is going to do!! After all "..He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think..." ( Eph. 3:20)
Thank y'all for supporting me and uplifting me!! It means so much!! I will post a ministry update soon!! We have been bust with sessions!! :) God is so good!!
Love Loves, Dani
Wonderful! Praying for this family and you!