...And He will give you the desires of your heart." Ps. 37:4
This verse is quite popular and used a lot. However, most of the time it is used it is referring to the second half of the verse. We tend to cling more to the "giving us our hearts desire" part. As humans we like to get what we want. Most of the time we feel entitled to whatever it is we want. So we see this verse and think...God is going to give me whatever my heart desires. So we begin praying for whatever it is we want. Most of the time...at least for me...it is a expectant prayer. I am praying expecting to get whatever I am asking for...after all..He says He will give it to me. We fail to really comprehend the first part of the verse. "Delight yourself in the Lord". If we fully understood that phrase...we wouldn't be so concerned with the second half of the verse. The beautiful thing is that God wants us to have desires...He gives us desires. When we truly delight in Him...He molds and shapes our desires to be about Him. So naturally He wants to grant us those desires. What a beautiful picture of who He is!! It's all about His glory!! We delight in Him...He gives us desires that glorify Him..and fulfills those desires. He ultimate motive is His glory!! And the greatest thing is that we get to be apart of it. We get to be apart of God glorifying God!! How incredible is that??
As I pursue Christ more and more I constantly find my desires changing. Some desires just fade away...while others become less of a priority. There is so much on my heart right now. So much I want to do and be apart of. So many dreams and desires. I just want them to be desires that God wants to use to glorify Himself with. My first and foremost desire is to live a life fully devoted to God. To fully surrender to all He has planned! I want to be His vessel!! So I as I follow Him and seek Him I see what I wanted for my life change. For the longest time all i wanted to do with my life was be a wife and mommy. I longed for God to bring me my husband and to start a family. I wanted the normal American life. I wanted the cute house and cute kids...cute husband too of course. :) I wanted to live a simple, normal life. I couldn't wait for the day when I began that journey. I dreamed of it...prayed for it...longed for it. But like I said...when you delight in the Lord...He begins to change your desires. So a couple of years ago God began changing my heart. As I sought Him He began telling me that while that may happen one day...it wasn't happening when I thought or wanted. So here I sit...still dreaming that dream and longing for it...but seeing God give me new dreams and desires.
I have all these desires to make a difference. I just want to make a difference...even if it's just one person at a time. I want to be apart of all God is doing. I want to be so delighted in Him that I want His desires to be my desires!! I love people and love helping people! I have dreams to tell people who have never heard about Jesus that He loves them and wants a relationship with them!! I have a dream to start an orphanage in Africa!! I have dream to help the poor and show them the love of Jesus!! As I seek and delight in the Lord...He continues to mold and shape these desires to what He wants for my life!! I am so thankful He guides me!! There is such a peace when you just let God show you what to do and where to go!! What a loving and gracious Father!!
Just wanted to share what was on my heart tonight!! :)
Love Loves!!
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